Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Comfort Zone

I swapped riders and ponies tonight - it was a disaster.
Jamie who always rides fast trotting Toby couldn't get lazy Munch to move.
"Stupid animal. Why won't he move?"
"Because you're hauling on the reins..."
All along he's been using Toby's reins to balance - he's not been riding at all but waterskiing...
Bella who rides lazy Munch was moved to fast trotting Toby.
"Don't kick," I told her. "Don't kick or he'll bolt. Think zen thoughts when you ride him." But she rides like a Hun and insisted on kicking and Toby kept bolting and even after she'd fallen off three times she was still kicking and kicking.
"I'm bored," complained Liz, an adored only child, who likes undivided attention and is not suited to group situations. Of course she was bored - she was riding (as always) our remote control pony, Duke, who walks and trots to my voice command. I did not dare swap her onto a real pony for I know she's not fit for the challenge and her father will sue if she falls.

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