Sunday, March 7, 2010


I was flicking through the newpaper this morning and my eye was caught by: Jordan Pins hopes on Hurt Locker Sweeping the Oscars
Jordan makes no secret of which movie it wants to see sweep this year's Oscars...
How very rude, I thought, to reduce Jordan to the third person singular. Is it not obvious Jordan is female? How much more obvious can it be?
For almost a minute I raged, until I noticed the article was in the Middle East section, squashed in between 'Mabarak's Surgery Succussful' and 'Dubai Shopkeepers Turn to Charms of Lemons and Chillies for Good Luck'.


  1. I've just heard Jordan is going to make a film about her life. I wish I had her self-confidence...

  2. I want to say somehting positive about the girl but I seriously can't. She's what Prince Charles would call a bunion on the landscape of society.
